Why is the water so blue?

I have seen people post about the water color, and laugh when it’s mentioned climate change has an affect on the water. It’s infuriating. I’m not here to tell you to use paper straws, buy an electric vehicle, or hug a tree. That’s not effective anyway, I’m telling you to read. 


I have a list of over 20 articles, 12 current researchers social media pages/publications, my professors at Coastal Carolina and their research, and several accounts you can follow or use as reference. If you still deny after this read, I have more sited material for you, but also concerned for your refusal to educate yourself.  


The water is changing for many reasons, but temperature is the main one.  


It’s as simple as this, what color is the water when you’re closer to the equator? Those are warmer climates, right? What color is that water in all of those tropical/warm places? It’s crystal clear. The water is getting warmer, so our water is becoming more blue. Read the article, it explains why. 


This article is from 2019, when I first noticed the water was really changing. I worked about 70-80 hours a week on the beach/water that summer. 


There is endless PROOF of this change. Endless material for you to read from reputable sources.  


You trust the weatherman to predict your weather, why can you not trust the scientists/biologists who pursue this study for a living?  


I’m not here to start an argument with people who refuse to educate themselves further, and use their opinions as their “science”. I’m not here to argue about the reality of climate change.  


The most popular come back to the water color is that it’s the sediment settling, there’s no storms. The weather the last two weeks has been awful, and the water always comes back blue quickly when calm. The clarity/color of all water changes in storms. But what is creating the BLUE color? Read. The. Article.  


I am a person who lives by the water, who loves the water, and I expect locals to do the same. Why we laugh at a situation when there are reefs dying from warmer water is beyond me.  


I am prepared for all the typical comments calling me names, a liberal, and so on… to your surprise I’m not a liberal at all. The water is my passion, I’m pursuing a career to help protect/clean our local waters. I wish y’all cared enough to educate yourself on what’s going on, and leave your opinions at the door while you do so.  


So go on, laugh, call me names. Share with me the information you have spent a chunk of your life studying. It makes finding the “experts” easier 


Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, and I hope you enjoy the read 



Posted on 05/18/2024 in General.