
 DownLoad your terms page from your online account "group" dashboard.

Below is how a parent or legal guardian fills out the Responsibility Form & Rental Agreement for High School Groups. College groups someone 21 or older staying in the house can fill it out or have a parent do it. It MUST be Notarized. Please take a clear photo of the completed form and a photo of the parent's ID (college group parent's ID or someone 21 or older staying in the house) and Up-Load them into the Group Dashboard. We require only one responsibility form in order to check in and it must be submitted within 10 days of booking along with a pic of the parent's (Or 21 yr old college student's ID). Group leaders can ask all parents to participate and up-load responsibility pages individually, however, we only require one. Please be sure to review them for accuracy before submitting them. 


As of 1/8/2023, Our system auto-fills the responsibility page. It is your responsibility to check unit names and dates for accuracy. If there is an error, the first 10 days is the time to resolve it.